Autonomous Payload Delivery System
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
controls.h [code]Controls header file, contains all controls variables, gains, constants, etc
controls.pde [code]Contains all controls functions for feedback and inner loop control
debug.pde [code]Useful debugging functions that print to Serial
log.pde [code]Flash memory logging functions
low_pass.pde [code]Discrete-time implementation of a simple RC low-pass filter
pitot.pde [code]Contains functions for reading pitot probe measurements
rc.pde [code]Commands for reading and updating RC values
storc.h [code]Main header file, contains global variables, includes, macros, etc
storc.pde [code]Main file, contains Arduino setup() and loop() functions
telemetry.pde [code]Functions for sending telemetry data over Serial3 to the Xbee